A Week at KSES: Unforgettable Moments

Two Transformative Weeks
August 5, 2024
Reflecting on My Transformative Experience with the KSES Project
August 19, 2024
Two Transformative Weeks
August 5, 2024
Reflecting on My Transformative Experience with the KSES Project
August 19, 2024

Jessica 1 week intern –

I only got to experience one week at KSES, but after completing said week, I wish I had stayed on longer. The experience with the elephants itself was absolutely incredible. Getting to see them interact with one another and move through the forest was really special, especially after hearing all of their different backgrounds in the logging and tourism industry.

I spent my week with four other interns and this was also a highlight. Our nightly dinners together at our home stays was always a great end to a big day.

During the week we were also able to go to the nursery for an English lesson with the local children which I found really fun. Unfortunately one week wasn’t quite long enough to brainstorm my own KSES project, but it was great to hear about all the projects that past interns have worked on! We collected data on the elephants behaviour and association each day which was highly rewarding and a great way to learn on the spot how elephants spend their time out in the forest! My highlight with the elephants was seeing Too Mae steal corn from the pile which was set aside for them later!

Thanks to all the staff as KSES for making me feel so welcome, especially Laura who shared her passion for the elephants. Thank you to my homestay Lu Jet for cooking me amazing meals and providing me accomodation in the village, and her daughter Ghanda for being our local guide on the hikes!

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