An Unforgettable Week at Kindred Spirit: Elephants, Culture, and Community
January 19, 2025My Experience as Research Intern at Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary
January 27, 2025By Taylor Johnson – 2 week intern
If I had to sum up my two weeks here in a couple sentences at Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary I would say “I came here to see, learn and experience elephants but am leaving here with memories of not only the magnificent elephants but the people, the laughs, the late night card games, the Thai teas from sweet Nee, cuddles from the pups, games with the children and overall every single aspect of living with the Ban Na Klang village has transformed my narrative of genuine humanity and the joy that comes from simplicity and collaborative community.
I was able to really hone in on my videography and photography skills and create content that I am proud of. The elephants in their natural habitat were mesmerizing to witness daily while hiking to see them. I love the early mornings (despite the chilly temps) followed by gorgeous hikes and lots of laughs with the entire team. The rural feeling of village life doesn’t feel so rural when you spend your time with lovely people, eat meals together, work together and experience a day to day routine which although was packed full of info, tasks and work (as an intern to be expected) felt so rewarding! The team is so passionate, kind, hilarious and fun to be around which is so appreciated and welcoming as a solo traveler!
I have always said to people the best way to get the most out of life is to get comfortable being uncomfortable. I grew up on a farm, camping, hiking and used to minimal luxurious things and the village life may take a couple days to truly acclimate to no matter how “ready” you think you are. It’s overwhelming at first living with a new family, having that language barrier but after just one night I realized the power of a universal smile. I wrote down in my phone many Karen phrases that helped me communicate throughout my two weeks and spent a lot of time with Kanda who is a local who works at KSES doing so much for the organization. As I type this now I am on my last couple days here and now walk around the village alone saying “Da Blu” to everyone I pass, chatting with anyone who wants to, playing by the river with the kids and truly embraced every opportunity I had to immerse myself in the environment, community and culture. We had village english lessons with the women and children, spent time at the nursery with the younger children and overall spent so much time within the community which for me was a huge highlight I did not realize prior to coming.
If I could recommend anything to guests and interns alike it would be— bring your own coffee if you are a coffee freak like me, Nee has an amazing coffee tea and smoothie stand but is not always working of course! Also it gets much chillier than I expected during January so fuzzy socks and a puffer jacket would have helped!
The elephants are obviously the highlight and reasoning for KSES and visiting but truly the balance of being able to experience village life, meet new people and view a completely different culture really put life into perspective. The project in my opinion is about sustaining the elephants and the community in a cohesive way that protects us all.
P.S. I am editing this from Bangkok airport and already miss village life, KSES and thai teas hehe!